Q: Will I be exposed to harmful radiation during my exam?

A: Many of the studies offered at Palms Imaging Center use small doses of radiation to see images. As with other medical procedures, medical imaging radiation is safe when used with care. Radiologists and x-ray technologists have been trained to use the minimum amount of radiation necessary to obtain the needed results. The amount of radiation used in most examinations is very small and the benefits greatly outweigh the risk of harm.

Q: How and when will I know what the results of my study?

A: The doctor who wrote the prescription/order for your study will receive the results within 24-48 hours (on average) of your appointment. The technologist who captures the images will not be able to tell you any details about the results of the study – he / she will only be able to answer questions about the study in general.

Q: Should I continue to take my medicine if I am scheduled for an exam?

A: Certain exams require that you do not take your prescribed or over-the-counter medicines, while for others you may. Please refer to the Exam Do’s & Don’ts for your particular study, or call our office for clarification.

Q: How should I prepare for my exam?

A: Each exam has different preparation instructions, and some have none at all. Please refer to the Exam Do’s & Don’ts for your particular study, or call our office for clarification at (805) 604-9500.

Q: Should I bring the results of my last imaging exam with me?

A: YES! Please notify our office of any previous imaging you have had done that is related to what you are having scanned with us. Having those previous studies will further help the radiologist to have an understanding of the study. If you have the images in your possession, bring them to your exam. If not, tell us where the study was done and we will retrieve the images on your behalf.

Q: Do I need a driver?

A: Certain procedures and sedations require that you are escorted home from your appointment. Please refer to the Exam Do’s & Don’ts for your particular study, or call our office for clarification.

Q: How long will I be at my appointment?

A: Appointment times vary and the length of time you are in the office depends on the exam you are having. Registration takes approximately 10-15 minutes. For detailed information about the timing of studies, please call our office.

Q: Can children attend appointments?

A: Due to the type and lengths of exams provided, we ask that children do not attend.

Q: Do we offer sedation for claustrophobic patients?

A: We do offer sedation, however we ask that the patient make prior arrangements for a driver for safety precautions. Prior to receiving sedation, patients will be screened by the staff nurse. They will also be monitored during examination.